Protect Your Collection from Adverse Environmental Conditions – Sustainably!
Are you a small institution with a mixed collection?
Do you want to better understand temperature and humidity requirements for your collection?
Are you committed to a sustainable future?

Photo credit: paha_l / 123RF Stock Photo
Protect Heritage is pleased to announce the launch of a new service!
Environment impacts every aspect of collection preservation. Without an organized understanding of your collection’s environmental requirements, you may be spending unnecessary energy and resources, or — worse — causing damage to your collection.
We aim to educate smaller organizations on the risks and best practices of environmental control for preservation.
Our team works with your staff to mutually understand how temperature and relative humidity levels within your collection’s individual building may pose a risk to your collection. We use a risk-analysis approach to define what parts of your collection are relatively immune to varying environmental conditions and what parts of your collection may need special attention and care. This special care may be as simple as adding another layer of isolation, such as a box or bag for an object.
Our goal is to support sustainable, informed collection care for every preservation organization.
Funding is now available to help!
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is now accepting applications for preservation assistance grants for smaller organizations. This grant program has a relatively high success rate and does not require a matching funds commitment.
The application deadline is May 1, 2014 for projects starting in January, 2015. Details are available at: